Meal Prep & Menu Plan for June 26 2023

This post contains affiliate links.  We had a rare quiet week at home, so I used the time to try to get ahead on homeschool planning.  I also was able to cook more than I have in previous weeks.  Unfortunately, not all of our recipes were hits.  Oh, well.  You win some; you lose some.  Here’s our meal prep and menu plan for June 26 2023.

Meal Prep

Banana Muffins

Menu Plan

Lunch–Sandwiches, chips, carrot sticks

Lunch–leftovers from last week
Dinner–BBQ Ribs & Chicken (for Father’s Day), diced potatoes, radishes,


Plate filled with potatoes, sausage, and pan roasted peppers and broccoli
Lunch–Pasta with Roasted Vegetables, (instead of pasta, I roasted potatoes with the meal)
Dinner–BBQ Hamburgers & Sausage (we saved the sausage for Tuesday’s dinner), lettuce, tomato, sweet potatoes

Lunch–Mexican Lasagna
Dinner–BBQ Sausage, salad

Lunch–Tuscan Chicken Gnocchi Soup
Dinner–Pork, Tofu, Cabbage Stir Fry

Dinner–Kale and White Bean Beef Stew (new recipe that no one in the family particularly cared for)

Dinner–Chicken Noodle Soup (sick child’s request)

The post Meal Prep & Menu Plan for June 26 2023 appeared first on Mom's Plans.

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