Garden work has started. We had a busy weekend too. We added another roost to the existing chicken coop. Plans for the new one involve using barn wood from the knocked down barn.
We replaced the bottom board in one kitchen cupboard and purged what was under it.
Installed the new wall towel rack in the smaller bathroom, installed new solar lights outside, and repaired a part on the dishwasher, and Hubby mowed all weekend.
We ended the evening by grilling burgers, and toasting the buns on the grill. We mixed in chopped garden jalapenos, garlic and onion, and topped them with homemade thousand island dressing and blue cheese (we were too exhausted to fry bacon for them). Oh so good and great way to end the day.
On this week's to-do list:
-boil eggs
-laundry -sweep/mop kitchen -dishes -start back at the craft purge -pick an extreme clean project -make homemade lip balm -make homemade "neosporin" -write out a shopping list
Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom
The weather outside is . . .
67°F/38 today, but tomorrow? 44/31°F and then Wed? 42/23°F
1-3 inches possible Tues./Wed.
How I am feeling this morning . . .
Tired, although tickled pink we actually got some things done on Sunday.
On the breakfast plate . . .
I'm going to make a breakfast bake, but use the very last bags of frozen zucchini and yellow squash vs. potatoes. I tried a new way to bake the bacon - twist and bake on a foil like rimmed baking pan for 35 minutes. Super crispy. Recipe said 45 minutes, but my bacon was starting to burn, and 35 minutes at 425°F worked great!
On my reading pile . . .
On the TV . . .
Westerns on Amazon Prime
On the menu this week . . .
-two new recipes to try, roasted asparagus from the garden
-grilled cheese, home canned tomato soup
-baked chicken, sweet potatoes, green beans
-maybe an overnight casserole vs. a crock pot dish
-a new crock pot recipe
Looking around the house . . .
I feel so much better getting so much done. I have a good to-do list, but the kitchen will be less cluttered after cupboard repairs. I'm already making plans to get it all re-organized and purged under the kitchen sink.
To relax this week, I will . . .
If it warms up later in the week - play cards on the porch with my husband. Otherwise, before he gets off work, most likely crochet.
From the camera . . .
This morning's sunrise. The clouds sure scream weather change.
Something I want to share . . .
...because I'm an organizing I whipped up a way to store my dish gloves. It's a GM hook and a curtain rod clip that slides onto a curtain rod to clip on curtains (tea towels etc.). I will be picking up some cheap placemats to put behind them on the door and under them to protect the wood. It felt great "shopping" from the "junk drawer."
Something else to share - early birthday present from my husband. I LOVE these!
Devotional, inspirational, prayer list or Bible verse . . .
#Homesteading #HouseRepairs #Motherhood #HappyHomemakerMonday #SelfSufficiency