A mad scramble

 OK -- so I got the sewing part of the homework done, but then I didn't get to work on making the presentations! Oops! 

Two of three are completely done and ready to go. The Zoom links are sent -- just one more to finish off. I had a couple of other things on my mind yesterday. One of them being that darn Cherrywood Challenge -- I NEED to get that done. The deadline for entry is TOMORROW. 

I'm happy to report that it's done! All that remains is to take pictures, which I'll do later today, and complete the online entry. Unless it gets selected for the show, there's no need to send the quilt anywhere. Check out that backing fabric -- it has bits of all the colors in the quilt! It was perfect for this project. 

My Cherrywood Challenge

The binding is on and stitches down by HAND. I watched a few episodes of the Masterclass baking show while doing that. Hmmm -- lots of tips on the baking show! Could I ever learn to knead break like Paul Hollywood? I doubt it as he's a big strong guy -- I'd be buying a mixer with a dough hook! 

Some of the embellishments were a challenge to sew on, and I even had to remake a couple of them; and I attempted to sew them on several times before I was happy. But, this is where having some flexibility with your sewing machine can make a huge difference. I had to change the width and length of the stitch I used and have it positioned just right (the needle position, that is) before it looked halfway decent. 

If I had more time, I would have done one of the other embellishments differently. It doesn't really change the overall look, but the workmanship would be better. But you can't tell from the picture I took yesterday! This is why you learn by doing -- if I need to do that delicate work in the future, I'll attempt it differently. 

It was a lovely day, so I took a break in the backyard right after lunch. Well, you can imagine who was my source of entertainment. She started off with a stick - she wasn't interested in coming into the gazebo, just standing at the door and showing off. 

MOM --- look at me -- I have a stick! 

Then I swear, I hadn't been sitting down for longer than 5 minutes, and OOPS -- MOM -- there's a ball in the pond! Seriously???  She does this on purpose, and the particular ball she threw has a hole, so it sunk. That was an excuse to dig more leaves out of the pond. I won't be able to do that soon as the lilies are growing like mad! They have a bit to go before breaking the surface, but it won't be long before they are up.  

A red ball in the pond

While I was doing that, I had to clean the pond's filter -- did you notice how clear the water was? Yep -- the filter gets all the crude out of the pond, but then the filter has to be cleaned, or there isn't enough water for the pump to work. Guess what I found in the filter? Yep -- the blue ball! 

And if that wasn't enough, when I threw that ball, the next thing I know, Murphy is standing by the gazebo with her pleading eyes to tell me something. 

MOM -- help, the ball is in the filter

Oh yes -- she dropped the blue ball into the filter! Again!!!

The blue ball is in the filter AGAIN!

I know the lid should be on the filter, so that won't happen, but if she drops the ball into the pond, the filter will pull it in. We had a big flat rock, but it's now broken in three, so it's challenging to put the cover properly back on. 

We need to have a chat with that girl! We love her to death, but she is HIGH maintenance. 

Don't forget to come to the Virtual Retreat tonight and all day tomorrow. I will let you know that the retreat will start without me tomorrow. I volunteered to help with the Toronto Marathon, and I'll be somewhere in the city dropping off tables and whatever. I hope to be done by noon and then home and onto the retreat. However, the retreat will work without me! 

Here are the links: 

Saturday  -- April 30   Starts at 6 PM -- ends?? Whenever!!!!

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89254233911?pwd=VGQrTnFybW1HMWpleHA4M2Q2NGVwZz09 Meeting ID: 892 5423 3911 Passcode: 982797

Sunday, May 1   -- -starts at 10 AM  --- until 8 PM (more or less)

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81693717518?pwd=STNoVVQzbDd4ZnROQndNNlpvcC90QT09 Meeting ID: 816 9371 7518 Passcode: 579285

And don't forget to pick a day when you can visit the art show with Helen Anne's digital art. Here's the information.

If you are into art and I do not know what types of art will be displayed, there is a show in Norval, Ontario, and Helen (a member of our Monday group) has a couple of pieces of digital art in the show. Her photos are amazing, and she created them in Photoshop.

Here's the information on the show:

Location: Parish Hall, 16 Adamson Street South, Norval, ON L0P 1K0

Dates: May 5 - 29

Hours: Thurs – Sun, holiday Mon, noon – 4:30 pm

 And if you want to read how she created one of the pieces, check out her blog. 



I can't wait to go and see it. I need to schedule that into my calendar. 

The Hamilton Quilt Show is on June 3 and 4, now ONE month away. 

Yikes! There is lots of stuff going on -- thankfully, my homework calendar will slow down a bit, but not for one more month. I need a bigger design wall. I've put the homework for the SEVEN quilts currently running, and I've run out of room on the design wall. I need to get one of them done to make room for the remainder of the blocks of the other quilts! One quilt needs a border, and it's not even close to having space on the wall! 

Anyway -- that is it for me. 

Have a super day!!! See you tonight! 
