Civil Disobedience and Citizens Arrests Coming Soon!

The scamdemic aspects of the COV 19 infection abound.  Not least because a real bilogical agent does not transmit this way.  It was clearly a planned hit job plausibly aimed at railroading the population into the vaccine MEME.  At least that is a global picture that argues the facts on the ground.

Initial outbreaks were apparently stopped   cold and  that continues as an experience.  Yet the global vaccine gag is still been peddled

Now push back is also in full flight and laying vin a mandatory vaccine is been opposed everywhere.


Civil Disobedience and Citizens Arrests Coming Soon!


Operation Disclosure | By RXKendrick, Contributor July 4, 2020 People are way too gullible and the bad guys know it. I know because I...

July 4, 2020

People are way too gullible and the bad guys know it.

I know because I read a book by Dr. John Coleman way back in the 90’s that every freedom-loving American should read and share with others. It is titled: “Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300.” In this remarkable book Dr. Coleman told a story from World War II when militaries were studying the populations enduring the war.

One study revealed 87% of the people made all of their decisions and formed their opinions based on the “first-source-of-news” they received. Those studying the population realized this would apply to anything-and-everything if they controlled the media. They could convince most of the people just by being the first source of the news. How simple is that? Own the media and control the people. Own social media and control the people.

Make everybody wear masks as an additional way to kill the unsuspecting 87% who believe the first thing they’re told and look no further. Wear a mask indoors and outdoors. Learn how to talk through a mask. Wear earplugs. Wear earplugs indoors. Wear earplugs outdoors. Wear earplugs when you sleep.

“Okay,” say the sheeple and everybody starts wearing earplugs and masks and defending it on social media. Telling other people you too must wear earplugs because they believe in earplugs whether you do or not. Plus wearing earplugs would help people not-hear the truth that this virus was never a real pandemic. It was never a pandemic. It is not a pandemic now.

Who are the perpetrators of this crime against humanity? Or, I should say these crimes against humanity… Who is behind this although we know WHO it is. The WHO is behind this and so is the Department of Health and Human Services, and its Secretary Alex Azar. Nominated by Donald Trump on November 24, 2017 and confirmed by the US Senate on January 24, 2018.

It has been publicly reported the Department of Health, under the blessing of the World Health Organization, has offered financial incentives to doctors and hospitals to misdiagnose people as having passed-away from COVID, whether it was the cause or not. Can you imagine? Shouldn’t this be a huge red flag to all Americans that Alex Azar should be arrested and charged with lunacy of policy beyond comprehension? He is involved in this fake pandemic scam.

Who gave Alex Azar the memo to fund the fake pandemic by paying doctors and hospitals to misreport deaths as COVID deaths, whether true or not? That has to be criminal in some way, don’t you think? This guy’s bio says he did all these great things, but what kind of scumbag would tell doctors and hospitals to lie about COVID and misinform the public for money.

What sort of public official would offer “financial incentives,” otherwise known as MONEY, to doctors and hospitals to make people believe there is a pandemic, when there is not a real pandemic? Guilty ass m-XX scumbag liar. Money paves the way for doctors and hospitals to misdiagnose people’s deaths because Alex Azar is paying for this? Wow! DONALD TRUMP, where are you? US SENATE, where are you? This man is out of his league and out of his mind.

Donald Trump, the phrase you need to speak goes like this: “You’re FIRED!”

This virus was never a pandemic. It is not a pandemic now.

Any authorities demanding pandemic rules on any American citizen should be arrested and prosecuted for abuse of power at minimum. Every mayor, every governor, every political agent, all top media and social media sources working to help enforce any pandemic rules should be arrested and prosecuted for Medical Fraud. That’s a lot of arrests to be made immediately. If there is no pandemic, ordering people to wear masks is a crime.

Requiring people to wear masks is criminal if there is no pandemic. Since there is no pandemic, requiring people to do anything for the not-real but fake “pandemic” is criminal. Abuse of Power, Fraud and MURDER when it kills someone.

If it’s not a pandemic enforcing pandemic-rules is not legal.

Lockdown – noun: 1: the confinement of prisoners to their cells… Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Shelter-in-Place – noun: 1: an official order, issued during an emergency, that directs people to stay in the indoor place or building that they already occupy and not to leave unless absolutely necessary.

Social Distancing – noun: 1: Social distancing is defined as the practice of minimizing in-person social and physical contact with other people and avoiding public spaces during an epidemic or pandemic.

People. Wake up. Wake the flip up! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!

If there’s no pandemic there is no emergency and you don’t have to act like prisoners.

Nobody in the United States has the authority to make up rules and enforce them on others for no reason. Same goes for any fake reason too. Fake reasons do not give anybody authority to do anything. Any people being forced to accept such enforcement should respond in organized rebellion and complete rejection of the abuses of power by making citizen’s arrests of all the perpetrators.

In the Old West you would hang them too.

The death rate is not significant enough to call this virus a pandemic. The admission that this coronavirus was never really all that bad – is an admission that this pandemic was never really a pandemic.

Arrests must be made immediately to stop this madness and murder. Governors and mayors and any other authorities requiring any pandemic-rules enforcement should be arrested from their homes or offices. Wherever they are the people should go together and enforce their free right to arrest them and bring them to justice.

“A person can arrest someone that they reasonably suspect of committing a felony, even if the felony didn't occur in the presence of the individual making the arrest. As long as a felony was actually committed and the individual making the arrest knew of the crime, a reasonable suspicion about the identity of the perpetrator will justify their arrest.”

Mass citizens arrests must be made if the perps don’t back down immediately. And instead of hanging them, force them to wear a mask for 24-hours and self-quarantine in a dark room with no windows. Then extend their punishment like they extend their fake rules. Leave them in the dark room with no windows for 24-days with a mask on! Punish them for their crimes. Make them an example for others to know: You won’t tolerate any politicized abuses of your freedoms and rights.

Arrest them. Gather together and go wherever they are hiding from justice and demanding fake rules on you. Find them and arrest them. Bring them to justice and go back to enjoying your freedoms and rights without them in the way anymore.

Seize all bank accounts of the perpetrators, starting with “BillyGoats” billionaire Billy-Gates who predicted the fake pandemic, Dr. Fauci who made up BS to recommend fake rules be enforced on everybody, and Alex Azar for paying doctors and hospitals to lie – to make the virus look like it was a pandemic, when it was not a pandemic.

Seize their bank accounts. Italy, wake up. America, wake up. SEIZE THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS. It is legal for thieves, robbers, murderers, and other criminals to have their BANK ACCOUNTS SEIZED. Do it. Like the old Nike ad: JUST DO IT !!!

Somebody is going to end up arresting Bill Gates, it’s just a matter of time. He has been publishing photos of himself playing “doctor,” also known as practicing medicine without a license to kill.

Poor nations from Africa should agree and have him arrested, seize his bank accounts and take revenge on him for terrorizing them with his dangerous deadly vaccines. Whoever does it first has every right to seize his assets. Italy, Italy… Seize his bank accounts. Billy-boy is a mass-murderer with a worldwide habit of practicing medicine as a fake doctor. Everybody who played any role in putting all of this on us should be arrested and taken out to the barn.

There was never a pandemic. It is not a pandemic now.

Matteo Bassetti, head of the infectious disease unit at the Policlinico San Martino Hospital in Italy says,

“Whatever the case may be, the virus certainly does not warrant the draconian measures still being pushed on the masses as a supposed means of keeping it in check. Perhaps it is time to retake our freedoms and focus more on prevention in terms of building strong natural immunity to whatever our bodies might encounter.”

“Bassetti is not alone in this assessment as doctors from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) agree that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is rapidly becoming a non-threat, and that people are not getting as sick from it as they once were.” (

Even if it was a pandemic. It is not a pandemic now!

So who has the authority to force protocols on us for a pandemic when there’s not one? Nobody that’s who. That’s like evacuating a city for a hurricane when there’s no hurricane. Insane. Illegal. Everything about this so-called pandemic has been faked, is false, and is criminal. And they want to extend this to the election in November?

Citizens arrests are decreed by law and legal to carry out. Go for it people. Do it now. Don’t wait. Don’t tolerate. Arrest them all and bring them to justice. Bring fear upon them for bullying you with fears of a pandemic that never was. Punish them for their crimes.

( “Matteo Bassetti, head of the infectious disease unit at the Policlinico San Martino Hospital in Italy told the British media that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus, as it is also called, is rapidly losing virulence and could disappear completely without any further intervention.”

“Since the novel virus is already showing signs of decline in terms of infection severity, it is only a matter of time before it becomes a non-issue entirely, with no vaccine necessary.”

“Bassetti is not alone in this assessment as doctors from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) agree that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is rapidly becoming a non-threat, and that people are not getting as sick from it as they once were.”

“The idea that people are becoming infected with “lower amounts” of the virus seems to be spreading in popularity as medical experts wonder at the changes that are occurring.”

Azar was nominated to his post by President Donald Trump on November 13, 2017, and confirmed by the United States Senate on January 24, 2018

No. I don’t think so. I think I’ll stick with Dr. Coleman’s comments in the last words of his Foreword to his book:

“I shall carry on with my task until I have finally ripped off the mask of the entire secret upper-level parallel government that runs Britain and the U.S. This book is a part of that ongoing effort.”

Dr. John Coleman, November 1991

Rip off the mask. Of the “Secret Upper-level Parallel Government,” requiring everybody to wear masks! Rip off the mask. Since it increases life-threatening CO2 and decreases life-supporting Oxygen. This massive “Global Strategic Special Operation” is experimenting on you and you don’t even know it. You’re a mouse in the laboratory of their experiment. Rip off the mask.

Let’s make a deal. Okay? I’ll rip their mask off, if you rip “your mask” off.

This was an 11-month plan. Uh-oh! Now what do they do? Once everybody realizes this was never a pandemic. Not even for one minute was this a real pandemic. This is an intentional fake pandemic “exercise” intended to go from January 1, 2020 to the election in November 2020. But they fumbled. They dropped the glass ball. They dropped the crystal skull on their own toes. Oh, no! Now they’re stumbling all over themselves in their clumsy exploitation of the whole world. Leaving tracks all over the place and evidence everywhere.

Arrogantly, they thought nobody could out-think them and now they “ALL” know they’re caught in the headlights. Ha! Halfway into their 11-month game plan they are 100% exposed.

If the virus was not a real threat. This is not a real pandemic.

Since the virus was not a real threat, whoever enforces “pandemic” protocols on any human population on planet earth is playing God. Anyone forcing any is complicit in this evil “exercise” by the “Secret Upper-level Parallel Government,” Dr. Coleman told us about a long, long time ago.

Add that up in a calculator, divide it by truth, multiply by reality, subtract MSM-BS and it’s not a pandemic after all. It never was a pandemic. The play is over. Yet the production goes on. This is incredible! The guilty perpetrators are so stupid, when they get caught they turn the stage lights on themselves and keep the phony-pandemic narrative alive. The MSM is complicit big time. Big Social Media is complicit big time.

Governors enforcing pandemic rules that restrict people’s freedoms are complicit big time. City governments enforcing pandemic rules on people to restrict their lives and liberties are complicit big time. All authorities demanding masks are complicit big time. There is no pandemic. The coronavirus is not a pandemic.

#1) Behind the Scenes World Powers, are engaged in
#2) a Global Strategic Special Operation, that includes training of
#3) Command and Staff, through
#4) Exercises practicing Forced Fake-Pandemic Emergency Protocols, in order to
#5) Limit Political Rights and Freedoms, funded and

That’s pretty gullible. Pretty sad for the 3% of us who aren’t quite so trusting. Like the old Bible prophet warned us 2770-years ago in 750 BC.

“Do not trust a neighbor; put no confidence in a friend. Not even with the woman who lies in your embrace…” Micah 7:5

I’ve recently read different reports that this coronavirus that has upended the entire world is really not much of a threat.


I’ve read that this coronavirus “phenomenon” is not a “pandemic.”

SOURCE: Quote:

A Russian spokesman has announced: The virus death rate is too low. This was not a pandemic. This was not an epidemic. So they totally got caught but the MSM keeps the false storyline alive. It was pitched as a pandemic and accepted as a pandemic. But the virus itself is…

The testing of the new 5G weapon system proved revealing. Because it requires very short-distance relay antennae locations, any interruption cuts the distribution of the microwave transmission. Like Pompeo said, this is an “exercise.” But like RUSSIAN said, this is an “exercise” by the “Behind the Scenes World Powers.”

Alex Azar was sworn in as President Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services in January 2018.

His current tenure at HHS is a second tour of duty at the Department, after serving as General Counsel and then Deputy Secretary in the 2000s.

He has spent his career working in senior healthcare leadership roles in both the public and private sectors.

Azar was nominated to his post by President Donald Trump on November 13, 2017, and confirmed by the United States Senate on January 24, 2018

Under President Trump’s leadership, HHS has helped turn around the rising rate of deaths from opioid overdoses through a comprehensive, science and evidence-based approach. Secretary Azar launched President Trump’s historic effort to end the HIV epidemic in America. With Azar’s leadership, the department is also tackling maternal mortality and gaps in rural healthcare, as well as bringing new hope to people suffering from kidney disease and addressing key social determinants of health. A key part of Secretary Azar’s agenda has been protecting the nation against infectious disease threats such as Ebola, influenza, and measles, ensuring the United States is prepared for manmade and naturally occurring disasters and threats, and leading global efforts to protect public health. Secretary Azar has also been a leading advocate to keep e-cigarettes out of the hands of our children.